How To Prevent Graffiti Vandalism

Graffiti Vandalism in TorontoIllegal graffiti can be defacing to any property, especially on walls and buildings. It is a costly problem for individuals, businesses and communities who spend time and money repairing the damage. The best option for removing graffiti is repainting the affected areas, but this can be quite costly especially since most graffiti painters use extremely vibrant colors that require several coats of paint to hide. Even more disheartening is the possibility that after spending so much time and money cleaning your wall or removing the graffiti– vandals strike again. The best thing to do is to know how to prevent graffiti vandalism in the first place.

Do not allow graffiti to linger
Leaving graffiti on your walls for more than a day or two would only encourage continued vandalism. Persons who graffiti walls usually don’t have the time or money to do it at the same place every day. Cleaning it promptly sends a clear message to vandals to stop wasting their time and money on spray painting your structure.

Upkeep and maintain your property
Show that you care about your property by keeping it clean, weed and litter free and well maintained. Buildings and walls that are unsightly and not frequently painted encourage vandalism.

Report graffiti vandalism
Vandalism is a criminal offense. Like any other crime, failing to report graffiti vandalism only encourages the behavior.

Install graffiti-proof fencing
Graffiti vandals prefer continuous flat surfaces to spray on. Adding metal bars, wrought iron, mesh or grilled fencing around your existing wall or building, makes it very difficult for persons to spray-paint your walls.

Add plants and texture in front of your walls
Beautifying your wall with flowers and shrubs can discourage graffiti painters, most of whom do not like to have objects in their way. Small bushes, thorny flowers and garden rocks of various sizes and shapes can be placed in front of your fence as a preventative measure.